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Gerard’s blog Mangamuka to Puhoi pub


They have some great sized Kauri in the forests up here, would be keen to try an understand the age of them. They are big suckers.

Also Northland has plenty of great white sandy beaches, some you can walk down on your own. Would be keen to come back for a better look at some stage but driving a car this time.

We had some long days on our feet with a day record of 48500 steps walking 23ks over very hilly terrain. Just about (and it did) break me in the heat.

Always amazes me of peoples generosity be it a ride (car or boat) some chilled water or watermelon, some advice on the route we should take or a bed for the night. This is all offered free, it can take them away from their intended destination or what they were doing, but they are happy to help. They enjoy the interaction and/or have an interest in what we are doing.

Another great deed was when Erin stopped to pick us up while walking to Reotahi Bay, then shes offers that her dad Steve will take us on his boat across Whangarei harbour to Marsden Point. Which he did and it was very very much appreciated. Thank you both.

Unfortunately (for me anyway) on this leg we had to stay in the tent a few times, getting use to the broken sleep I have in it, buts that’s life.

Thanks to Dale and Craig and Scott and Jane for looking after us for the night in Mangawhai and Russell. Both times they offered to dropped us down the road to save our legs and because of dangerous road walking. A wet day for walking to Pakiri beach but made it to the camp ground that night with a cabin to rest in and dry our clothes.

Last two days to Puhoi covered 53ks, a great effort in hot conditions with one day taking us 11 hours. Thanks Jenny for getting me thru the first day. Great to have a few beers after two long days of sunny humid weather in the bush.

Puhoi is a classic old pub north of Auckland with live band on a Sunday and local characters happy to lay some rubber on leaving.

We stayed the night (only ones there to).

New shoes for me from here with my green Topo’s having lasted about 1300ks. They have served me well but getting a bit stinky now. Thanks Frontrunner.

Looking for a rest day as my body is a bit tried.


1 Comment

Jan 13, 2022

The adventure continues Gee - Bro I felt for you hearing of the tough days, but you're trooper and of course the beers at Puhoi - they must have tasted so GOOD !!

On reflection I don't think the TA is for me .... but you're doing a great job and you and Jenny's blog make it quite real. A fascinating story, each chapter. Keep it up !!

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